

This version was released on the 9th of April 2024!


Fixes & Updates:
  • New validation process has been added to prevent private IP addresses from creating transactions.
  • New Https validation has been added for callback URL and redirect URL.


New Features:
  • One-Time Password – 2 Way Authentication
    • To improve Paragon’s security, after logging in, 6 digits one-time password will be sent to the user’s email to validate the login.
  • Dynamic Report
    • Users can now select specific columns they wish to export, categorised into two sections: Transaction Details and User Details.
    • This functionality also allows users to rearrange the columns in the CSV file, enabling customisation.
  • Notification Module
    • Users can now customise notifications to meet their specific needs, offering two key customisation options:
      • Notification Receipt Channel: Choose between receiving notifications via email or application.
      • Type of Notification Management: Select between System-generated or Custom notifications.
    • Customisation options include notifications for specific transactions or brands within Paragon and Summaries of transactions based on count or predefined time slots (daily, weekly, monthly).
  • New User - When new users are created in Paragon, they will now receive an email containing all the necessary details:
    • Credentials – Username, email…
    • Access Type
    • A link to set their initial password

Fixes & Updates:
  • Search Criteria - When a user searches for transactions by end-customer attributes, such as email, the system will automatically update the summary based on the search criteria.
  • Default Homepage - Allows the user to select a default homepage after logging in.
  • Amount Validation – Prevents users from entering a comma (',') in the amount field to reduce decline ratio for merchants.
  • Partners Display – Within the filter and search functions, only partners relevant to the user will be displayed.
  • Main Transaction Sort – Allows users to arrange columns in alphabetical order.


Fixes & Updates:
  • For the following transaction types, we are replacing the server callback_url parameter with webhook_url parameter:
    • Pre-Authorisation(PA)
    • Sale (SL)
    • Rebill (RB)
    • Recurring Init (RI)
    • Recurring Duplication Transaction
Server_callback_url parameter will be discontinued starting June 2024
  • Recurring Init - We are introducing a new parameter, "recurring_amount," which enables users to select a different amount for their recurring payments through time, different from the initial transaction amount. Here are the key rules and guidelines for utilising this parameter effectively:
    • In cases the "amount" parameter value is provided and sent by the user, the "initial recurring transaction amount" and all subsequent recurring payments afterwards will state the value that was initially determined in the "amount" parameter.
    • If both the "amount" parameter and the "recurring_amount" parameter are provided, the "amount” parameter value will determine the "initial recurring transaction" amount, while the "recurring_amount” parameter value will define the amounts for all subsequent recurring payments.
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